May 26, 2010

Carrot Rice -- Spicy with a hint of sweetness

I went to my freinds house and came by this thing called Carrot Rice. I tried it out and it became and instant hit among my freinds.. so i thought i could share it will you.  Dont be fooled by the name ..and relate it to be one sweet dish ... instead it can be both spicy and a hint of sweetness to it at the same time.

Ingredients Needed:

2 cup rice -- cooked and let cool
6 carrots - shredded (use food processer for quicker version)
6 thai green chillies slid in two - increase with yr taste bud
1 onion - sliced
5 garlic -- crushed
2 tablespoon of urad dhal
1 tablespoon of jeera
1 tsp - garam masala
1 tsp - chili powder ( increase with yr spice level)
some cardamom, cinnamon, cloves
some mint , cilantro
some cashews - fried and kept aside for ganishing
some bell peppers (any color)- thin strips sauted in ghee and kept for ganishing
To make it

- add oil and ghee (just ghee if preferred)
- add cardamom, cinnamon and cloves - till aroma comes
- add urad dhall and jeera - till color changes
- add onions, garlics and green chillies and let it cook for some time
- add carrots, chillie powder and garam masala and let it cook until the raw smell goes off
(it will take some time, so be patient and while waiting i usually prepare the cashews and bell pepper)
- add salt to taste and a pinch of sugar
- add in the mint and cilantro
- finally add the rice and mix well ( keep the flame in low or off it if using the electric stove)
- add cashew and bell pepper to garnish

1) Shredded carrots gives more juice and makes the rice even richer
2) If you are making it for the kids, just reduce the chillies and it will work well for them
3) The rice must be cooled and separated to make it nice and fluffy

---- Cooking is an art, so be creative with the above recipe -----

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