Dec 21, 2009

The kitchen masterpiece

Cooking as I see it is a beautiful art. We have to have the right amount of colour, texture and the creativity to make it a masterpiece.  The masterpiece of art would be a pleasure the eyes and mind. The masterpiece on the dinner table would not only stop there... it goes further... the eyes capture the beauty, the nose tells us about the aroma, the mind imagines about it, the mouth gives us the pleasure of taste and finally the heart gives us love ...not only for the food ...but most importantly the cook behind the food... which in most cases would be our moms all the moms who cooked love and served them as  food.

With time.... the tradition has been passed on..Now.... from being the child who fusses about eating the greens, now I have be the mom who have to ensure my kids eat the greens.  So its my turn to serve love as food... And i hope it will spread the love around. Enjoy cooking !!!!!

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